Investment Planning

Investment Planning

Our investment principles and practices are firmly grounded in decades of empirically-validated academic research and the science of capital markets. Central to the research and deeply imbedded in our investment philosophy is the irrefutable evidence that capital markets work.

 Working with our investment partner, Dimensional Fund Advisors, we seek to structure our clients’ portfolios to target higher expected returns while managing tradeoffs that impact investment performance. This approach to investing recognizes and applies these core principles:

  • The market drives returns; however, portfolio structure and implementation determine performance.
  • Publicly traded securities are fairly priced which means any persistent differences in average portfolio returns are explained by differences in portfolio structure.
  • Risk and return are related; and the proper assumption and management of risk drives investment performance.
  • Through optimal diversification that targets higher expected returns, a portfolio can be structured to maximize returns for any risk profile.
  • Investors who adhere to a long-term approach to investing, with clearly defined objectives and a tailored investment strategy can potentially outperform those who don’t.
  • Access to institutional assets is the most efficient way to achieve optimal diversification

As fiduciaries, we invest our clients’ money with the same level of care that our clients, given the same expertise and skills, would apply on their own.

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